Sunday, April 12, 2009


Well we had a fun filled easter weekend. It all started Friday I took the kids with my friend Jillionnie to a petting zoo where they had bunnies at this time of year. The kids loved petting all the animals and Sean even got to go on train ride and ride a horse. Poor Brianna got bit by a bunny I think the bunny thought she had food so he tried eating her, she was not excited about that. On Saturday we went to a breakfast and egg hunt at church. It was so fun to see all the kids runny after the eggs and see who could get the most. Brianna had no idea what was going on, she just wanted to chew on the eggs. Then on Sunday we headed up to Greg's parents house where the kids got spoiled to death and had a blast. We did an egg hunt in their yard where Sean found most of them but Brianna crawled around pretending to help. They got a ton of fun toys and kites from nana and papa. That is what Sean calls his grandparents. Thanks guys for everything you do. Greg's mom also made an awesome easter egg cake and Greg made great homemade rolls that everyone loved. It's so fun to see the kids growing up. Brianna has such a personality. She loves to clap her hands and try waving to you. She stills thinks Sean is the funniest thing in the world.  We had so much fun. Happy Easter!!

1 comment:


hey there your kids are adorable. Well if the reunions not to close to my due date we might go. Let us know if your coming then will really come.