So she did it. I was starting to wonder. I thought she was starting to get content with just walking around holding our fingers until today. She was holding onto the table and just took off walking down the hallway. It was so cute. She just kept doing it all night. She was so excited. She's still nervous but I think after a few days she will be cruising all over the place. Also she has so much hair that today I put her into two pig tails. It was so cute. She's getting so big.
40 weeks and counting. WHAT?!
12 years ago
That is so cute!! I love her hair stickin up! WAY CUTE!!!
It was so fun having you guys over last week! Your kids are so cute and getting so big. It was so fun to watch Allie and Brianna together, they are the cutest little girls. Hopefully we will be able to come down and see you guys at your place soon!
Get ouT!!!!! She has grown so much!!! What a cutie!!! Ok I am so excited for your new house. It is adorable.!!!! I can't wait to come visit. I'm so happy that you have so much space now. Isn't it funny how you totally don't even realize your small space until you move. I can't even imagine how nate and I survived in that little one bedroom apt. on sher lane. Holy cow. How the heck did we do that?
Sorry I haven't commented recently! I was off for a while and would love to catch up with you! What do you have going on?
Hey Annie, It's Mary Ann (Barnhill) Carr! I was actually thinking about college days at Davenport apts and wondered where you were, etc...cute fammily! You look great!
okay. you are even more my favorite!! I wish I even came close to looking like megan foxx! She is BEAUTIFUL!!!
You are so sweet!!! Aw, your little kido's are growing up and they are so so cute!! We need to come see you guys soon. It would be so much fun!!
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