So now that's it summer we decided its time to get out and do some sports. So two weeks ago we started Sean in swim lessons. Its so cute because he loves his teacher and is doing so well. You must remember that Sean would barely put his head in the water and now he's jumping right in and not afraid at all. Also he is learning how to do big arms and blow bubbles. Its so much fun to watch. Im glad we got to do this. Brianna has fun on the side lines playing with all the toys around the yard.
That is great! I just signed up the boys. Can't wait to see how they do. Love the fire truck pics!
Oh how cute I love swimming lessons. We don't start until july. Well are you guys coming to the reunion I hope so. By the way congrats greg.
Just found out you are moving! :( I am so sad! Congrats to Greg on the pinning! I can't believe he's been there 3 months already! Time flies!
Jeff bought a house down there to fix up and rent and it ended up being so much work-so we had intentions to call and meet up but Jeff was working most the time. But for sure next time. Congrats to Greg, that is awesome and good luck with the move!
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